Saturday, August 8, 2009

Barbara Hughes Art Show Features Our Children


“Little Ones of Haiti”
a show of paintings by Barbara Hughes and weaving by Larry Cardon

September 28 to October 25, 2009 / Opening Reception, October 3, 3:00 PM to 5:00PM
Shenanigans Gallery, Corner of University Ave and 41A, Sewanee, TN

Barbara caring for Lovensky
Renowned artist Barbara Hughes spent a week in our home in November 2008 helping to care for our children. She has painted many of them and will exhibit the paintings at a show starting October 3rd in Sewanee, TN. God willing, I will be there for the opening. Barbara has caught the unique personality of each child. Her paintings honor God, reflecting His care for each individual. The work of the Holy Spirit is abundantly evident.

You'll love her website:

1 comment:

Allyson said...

Hey dorothy, this is Allyson Hemric -- i was part of the small group that came down with Jim Hambrick in August.

I got the privilege of sharing at our church tonight about your mission in Haiti and just wanted to let you know that what you're doing really touched my life. There has not been one day that's gone by since ive been back that i have not thought about you and the children there. Id give anything to come and hug those beautiful kids again. I would love one day to come and stay a week or more with you and help however i could around there. Until then, you, the kids, and your workers are in my prayers.

I hope everything is going well, please let me know if there is anything i can do. And please give all the kids hugs and kisses for me - esp little Herode

God Bless!