Thursday, May 5, 2011

"Another Miracle!" -or- "He Can Walk!!!!!"

LOOK! Youvendgy is walking, all by himself! He was 3 years old in February, and now he can walk. Thank you, Father God!

Youvendgy came to us in August and went straight into the hospital. [see August post] He was treated for anemia, sickle cell crisis, tuberculosis and malnutrition. When he was younger both legs were broken, at different times I think. His legs and buttocks were SO weak! He scooted on his bottom, couldn't walk or even stand alone.

What a difference a few months of love and good nutrition can make. So maybe it's not an instant miracle of the "Get up and walk" type, but it's miraculous just the same. Where would this little guy be if Laura Lynn "Lala" Nichols hadn't found him and tried to help. She didn't even give up when his mother threatened to kill him. Lala found an official who had the authority and the heart to give Lala temporary custody so she could find help for Youvendgy.

And what brought Lala to Haiti and to the village of Jubilee in Gonaives? God. And who started, funds and runs Faith Hope Love Infant Rescue? God. HE took time from running the universe to intervene in Youvendgy's life. Just because HE loves him. Just like HE loves you, and me, and everyone else.

Praise God and glory hallelujah!


b00mer said...

YAY! What a blessing. You are all such an inspiration.

Anonymous said...

This is the story of Youvenji?? Wow...I am amazed. Praise the Lord indeed!

- Melissa

Unknown said...


I hope that it is okay for me to post a brief comment here...

I am so inspired by what you are doing in Haiti, and the story of this little boy, Youvendgy, just touched me so deeply! It's stories like these that remind me that I am on the path God intended for me.

My wife and I are blessed by the Lord to be serving for a small non-profit focused on raising families in Haiti out of poverty through job creation and youth ministry/mentorship programs.

My first trip into Haiti was just in May of this year (2012), but I felt instantly like it was home! As every missionary I've met has affirmed, I witnessed great need EVERYWHERE I looked, well beyond the scope of the programs I was there to work with.

Specifically, I have a great interest in an infant rescue, and thus did a Google search and...viola! I found this blog! I'm so excited and blessed to find so many wonderful people doing wonderful things for the Lord's children - our brothers and sisters in Christ!

I look forward to watching what amazing things God has planned for your program! Thank you for sharing His blessing with all of those beautiful children!

I hope that one day in the near future our paths may cross in Haiti! It would be a true honor and a blessing for my soul!

God bless,
Jason Unze