Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Happy to pay TAXES!?!?!?

Old Age Insurance & Workers' Comp in Haiti- Who Knew!?
I recently learned that Haiti has both, plus income tax! I am required by law to withhold tax and provide these benefits. What a shock! The Haiti I came to in 2004 didn't have such things! Or, at least, that's what I and many others believed. What a shock to find out that I was ignoring the law!
SO! I've been busy busy trying to learn what needs to be done and how to do it. February was the first month I withheld income tax (IRI) and old age insurance (ONA) from my workers' pay. Everyone said the workers would be angry about having their money taken. Sure enough, in the weeks leading up to the reduced pay there was some grumbling.
Payday was a huge surprise. The ladies actually seemed to be proud, yes - PROUD! - to have money taken from their pay. I wondered why.
One guess I have is that they have always been poor and are treated like poor people. They are always being given panties and used shoes and and deodorant and toothpaste and toothbrushes, and so on. [Yes, they also get lots of pretty girl things, too, but that's beside the point here.] Now they are being told that they have arrived: they have enough money to pay their fair share. They are worthy workers entitled to benefits.
There is nothing wrong with free help given in love. It is a good thing and they are grateful. In reality they are poor. Now they are contributors, not takers. They earn what they get and are planning for the future. A sense of self is growing in them, a sense that they are capable and worthy.
Officials from OFATMA, the agency that administers the workers' compensation insurance, came to the house to explain it to me and answer staff questions. Ever since our kitchen fire I've wondered what would happen to people injured at work. We now have the insurance for a full year. This is a relief for me. They are also covered on their way to work or their way home after work.
Seeing my workers begin to believe in their worth is an unexpected by-product of this ministry. is an unexpected by-product of this ministry. It feels GREAT!
Representatives from ONA came to tell the staff about old age insurance.

Staff were given a chance to ask questions. All of their concerns were addressed.

Here they review the registration forms.

We had a full house for this seminar. Everyone came, even the ladies who had worked all night.

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