Sunday, July 12, 2009

Haiti Update July 9 2009 - Back Online!!!!

Hello to all! We haven't had internet for over a month. It's good to be back in touch with the world but there's LOTS of news!

I am typing on my own new computer, a generous gift from Casey! Her computer-genius friend saved everything from the hard drive of my dead computer and loaded it on this laptop. This email will be sent from my satellite dish thanks to a new modem contributed by a church in Georgia. I praise God for the wonderful way His people care for each other in His name!

We desperately need a new car, a reliable late-model vehicle sturdy enough for Haiti's roads! Please pray about this with us! The last problem I mentioned in May was fixed only to be followed by a new problem with overheating. Since then the alternator and battery have stopped working. It seems a waste of money to pour more money into repairing a 17 year old car. Not having a car makes it almost impossible to care for sick children.

Our precious Rosetaina went to heaven on July 7th. She left many broken hearts behind but I am relieved that her suffering is over and she is with Jesus. Doctors had planned to start her on anti-retroviral meds on July 1st but her AIDS was too advanced. She was admitted to the hospital on June 15th with vomiting. She improved briefly but then went downhill quickly. Ti-Rose's mother was with her throughout this last illness.

When the hospital got Taina's history from her mother at admission we learned that the mother has had 3 previous children who died around the same age, maybe from the same illness. She also aborted 2 fetuses. It is hard to believe that she didn't know she is HIV positive and I had a real problem with anger towards her. Then I watched the pain in her face as she tended Taina. After that I remembered God's grace [defined as "showing love and kindness to someone who does not deserve it."] and remembered that Jesus willingly died for our sins. He forgives all the awful things I do. He turned my anger into compassion for a sick, hurting woman.

This is the second time I have watched a baby die from AIDS. Fabienne died in 2006 when she was 16 months old. Rosetaina would have been 2 yrs old on July 19th. In both cases the babies were very malnourished when we took them in even though their families had done the best they could. In both cases we were able to restore the children to fairly good health that allowed them to enjoy their lives. In both cases we lost the final battle.

But did we really lose? I don't think so.
  • God has both babies in heaven for eternity, now healthy
  • Our nannies, and by extension many others, learned that people with AIDS are normal people with a nasty disease. They deserve our loving care. The nannies are no longer afraid to care for the sick babies.
  • The children's families, our staff, our community, have seen God's compassion, Jesus' tender loving care, in action. His loving grace draws people to Him.
Doctors were pleased with Johnny and Lovensky at their last visit to the AIDS clinic. We left the house about 7:30 am and got home just before 4 p.m. Lovensky is a very active little boy. It’s a minor miracle that we all had a good day. We updated their chest xrays and will get the results at next month’s visit. So far they’re doing fine without ARV therapy. Both boys are now walking! Praise God for their continued good health!!!

I surprised myself at the AIDS clinic. For 4 years I have repeatedly, vehemently stated that we only take infants. The psychologist in the clinic asked if I would agree to take an abandoned 9 year old HIV+ girl when she is released from the hospital. Without a second thought – and with great peace – I said YES. Starting a home for children with AIDS has been in the back of my mind for a long time. It seems to me that God is ready for me to leave the ‘thinking’ stage and move into the ‘planning’ stage. I envision an organization composed of Americans and Haitians so the work will continue long after I am gone. Please pray about this new venture and whether God has a role for you in it.

The laboratory couldn't get any blood from Aron to run tests. A visiting surgeon was able to get a little blood. All we learned is that he is severely anemic: his hemoglobin is only 6.2. He should be given a blood transfusion but it isn’t a good option here in Haiti. Aron has finally gained enough strength to drink from a bottle. He can smile and coos interactively. It would be impossible not to fall in love with him. He’s up to 7 lbs.!!! His head seems to be growing which means he couldn't possibly have total fusion of all the suture lines in his skull. We need a CT scan - $300 USD - for a precise diagnosis.

Madeline and Roseline were picked up by the Merritts to return them to Bercy. Once again Rusty ‘accused’ me of substituting new children for the ones he left in April (smile). Madeline (between 2 and 3 years old) gained 4 lbs. – from 14 lbs to 18lb 6 oz. The most dramatic change in 6 yr old Roseline is her beautiful, lush, black healthy hair. Madeline cried, as would any small child making yet another major change in her life. Roseline was sad to leave Gertie but happy to be returning to her mother.

Eileen Murphy came to visit in June and, as always when she comes to Haiti, she brought her tools and gave me a beautiful professional haircut. It was a treat! Praise God for faithful friends.

Sterling went home with her mother on July 3rd after having the last set of casts put on her legs at Healing Hands. The surgery in March to treat her hydrocephalus was not successful - her head has grown 3 cm since coming here - so she will need a shunt when the surgeons return in November. It is important for Sterline and her mother to remain bonded but her mother wasn't visiting very often. I sent baby formula, cereal, baby food, vitamins, and everything else we could think of because we know her mother cannot buy these things. She can return for refills but must bring Sterline with her so we can keep an eye on her health. Sterline's vision has been affected but she loves singing, especially Rogers and Hammerstein soundtracks, and tries to sing along. Pray that God will prevent further brain damage from the increasing pressure in her head. Pray that her mother will treasure every minute she spends with her beautiful daughter.

Jameson went home with his mother the same day. He had been here over a year. His mother decided she didn't want to take him back but she doesn't want to give him up either. She is looking for an orphanage to raise him for her. I cannot not agree to do that. My work is to help families stay together. I wish I could find a way to help her move to a better area than Cite Soleil and be able to support her family.

Miltha’s mother took her home on June 22nd. Miltha cried and I wanted to join her. I don't feel confident that her mother will take good care of her. Though my goal is to keep families together that isn't the best thing in every situation. Please pray for God to guide me and all the other missionaries here trying to make tough decisions: we want to help but not take over. We want for people to be able to stand on their own, looking to God for all their needs and giving back to Him everything they have and are.

Jim Hambrick from Christian Light Foundation brought a group from Virginia to visit us. They were very sweet, really interested in the children. They brought lots of goodies, like pediatric masks and nasal canulas, formula, diapers, wipes, vitamins and other things we really need. Mostly they brought love for the children and for me. They prayed over us and left us feeling really blessed. Thank you all, Jim and group!

The triplets (remember them from a couple of years ago?) came to visit a couple of weeks ago. They needed food. As part of our follow-up care with children who return to their families, we provide food and medical care as we are able. (Thanks to two great organizations – Feed My Starving Children and Love A Child – we still have rice to share though we can no longer give milk, peanut butter, oil and other staples.) The 3 girls are due to start school this year. We want to find a sponsor to pay their school fees.

Prayer requests:

  • A new car
  • A new home to rent. Part of our house will be torn down in the mayor's road-widening project
  • Sponsors to pay for the triplets' schooling
  • Funds to re-stock our stores of powdered milk, peanut butter, oil and other staples we send to our reunited families
  • God's guidance for handling children who truly need long-term care, whether orphaned or not
  • God's guidance on whether and how to start a facility primarily for children with AIDS.
  • Praise God that earlier this week we were able to pay our staff for May and June. Pray for His blessings on these wonderful workers.

Thank you for your continued support and prayers. Blessings on you all.

1 comment:

What's Up Today? said...

Thank you for the update with all you are doing. I know you work tirelessly and I can't thank you enough. I'm praying for you. Thank you again for the great picture of Herode...give him hugs and kisses from me!