Saturday, August 7, 2010

Miracle of provision

Yes, God is in the miracle business. See our new truck? The dealership, Atlantis Motors, was so happy to give me the truck after weeks of waiting, they also gave a huge arrangement of flowers. Practically everyone came into the garage to witness the delivery of the truck to me. I thank God for providing for us.

We got the truck on Thursday afternoon. Friday, the next day, I made three trips to St. Damien's Hospital (Petit Frere et Souer), admitted one baby, and drove to General Hospital to get blood for the baby. I can drive automatic transmission; the truck is standard. I think the Lord must have laughed and laughed as I struggled with Haiti traffic and hills and driving after dark in the rain with cars coming toward me in my lane.

He laughs gently, though, and every challenge had a successful resolution. His angels kept the truck from rolling into the cars behind us, the baby got her blood, Laura Lynn and I had a nice meal at the restaurant near the hospital, and we got home safely. We laughed ourselves silly, too.

Spirit, our new 2010 Tata Xenon pickup truck

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